Many of us in San Diego are not accustomed to the humid heat wave that we've been experiencing. The air is heavy with moisture and breathing is a little more challenging. While the heat itself increases stress on our bodies (as our body's upper brain temperature sensors need to work harder to regulate body temperature), additional stress is being caused by the humidity. When the air is overloaded with moisture, it flows in and out of our lungs less easily. The natural bacteria that exist in air has more time to take root on our nasal passages, throat and lungs. To combat this:·
- Keep cool by drinking lots of spring water (which contains needed minerals)
- Take probiotics daily before bedtime to boost immunity
- Increase multi-vitamin intake ( to power your body for the increased demand on breathing
If your sinuses are congested and your neck glands are swollen, schedule an appointment so that we can help your body reduce stress.
619-807-1002 or email
WELCOME BACK Locals to La Jolla Shores!
The tourists are gone and there are lots of easy parking!
619-807-1002 or email
WELCOME BACK Locals to La Jolla Shores!
The tourists are gone and there are lots of easy parking!

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