To our loyal customers and patients - May you continue to press on to live healthily... mind, body and soul so that you may accomplish your God-given passions and endeavors. May you fulfill dreams and bring to fruition visions!
2008 has been a difficult year for many. For some, unexpected health challenges and others, financial crisis shared by everyone else. In the midst of it all, whether your challenges are personal and private, or part of the global community and public - we hope that you will find peace and comfort knowing that our Creator GOD has everything under control. Nothing shocks Him. Know that He cares and though the outcome is not what you may expect, look with great abandonment and anticipation what lessons He has in store for you. No experience is every wasted if you have an open heart... keep it soft and supple so that it can be molded into a beautiful Work of Art that only He, the Ultimate Sculptor and Physician, can knit together. Put one foot in front of the other daily and listen to His still, small voice. If you seek Him, you will find!
At the meantime, eat well and take supplements to keep your body thriving; exercise to keep the muscles strong and circulation flowing; and rest in body and spirit to keep the mind at peace.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight". Holy Scriptures Proverbs 3:5-6