
Natural support for H. Pylori infections & Stomach Ulcers

by Olivia Chang
on June 18, 2014

H. Pylori (Helicobacter Pylori) is a bacteria linked to gastrointestinal ulcers, gastritis, indigestion and stomach infection.This silent but aggressive infection, when untreated, can contribute to stomach cancer. Due to its aggressive nature, when improperly treated, it often recurs.It is commonly treated by antibiotics.However, some are resistant to such therapy and will need prolonged and combined antibiotics to ensure success.A few of the secondary side effects of prolonged antibiotic therapy are yeast infection and a weakened immune system.There are some natural alternatives that we’ve used successfully in our clinical practice.In addition to dietary changes, we use Mastica (Allergy Research Group), Bio-HPF (Biotics Research), and Original Medicine’s probiotics - S. Boulardii and Multi Probiotics (available to our VIP customers).
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Building up SELF - almost FREE!

by Olivia Chang
on April 01, 2013

Now the that flu season is over, you might want to consider building your body back up so it’s less susceptible to common ailments that slow us down, ie colds, low energy, sprained joints, insomnia, etc…  A good baseline is to keep your body alkaline by:

  • increasing vegetable intake (you can’t eat too much),
  • drinking spring water with minerals in tact, and
  • decreasing acidic foods such as meats and fats.
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Debunking Colds and Flus... Naturally

by Olivia Chang
on January 09, 2013

ABC News recently reported “Earliest Flu Season in a Decade” (  The same time last year, only 79 people were reported with the flu – this year so far, 790.  In New York, it went from 84 to 3975 and Massachussetts, from 126 to 3736!

Looking at these numbers is enough to strike fear, especially since we’re surrounded by many sniffling and coughing around us.  Well, that is if you believe it’s normal to experience regular colds and flus, and if you believe erroneously that you can ‘catch’ a cold or bug.  The fact is, if your body is functioning in an alkaline environment, is well rested and fed with proper nutrition, the bad bugs cannot thrive in your body. Zippo! Not possible!  It’s like trying to grow a grass in the dessert!  Your body cannot catch it!  The below recommendations are guaranteed to work!  I’ve tested it myself and with patients over 20 years.  Many have high risk exposure like traveling a lot or working in a hospital environment.

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Novel EXERCISE idea... and getting PAID!

by Olivia Chang
on November 29, 2012

I love to travel and learn new things from people around the globe.  I'm particularly interested in how we can live better (stress less), do things easier &  eat healthier in our increasingly fast paced society.  Most of us, especially in this poor economy, suffer from mental & emotional overload and can barely take care of daily chores.  How can we even find the time to exercise?  And if we don't - stress mounts, muscles get tight & sluggish, energy is sapped, hormones get imbalanced - you get the picture.
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Benefits of Fresh Juices & Whole Foods

by Olivia Chang
on September 19, 2008

As nature’s own nutrient-packed thirst quenchers, cleansers and health enhancers, they cannot be surpassed! Fresh juices contain a broad array of vitamins, minerals and enzymes that both enhance and complement individual nutrients so your body gets the most benefit from them.Variety is the key.The body needs a broad array of quality nutrients to operate at optimum efficiency and sustain well-being.

Packaged fruit juices, even if it’s 100% juice, pale by comparison.The reason being that they are usually pasteurized at high temperatures or have been sitting around for a while, thereby destroying most of the natural vitamins and enzymes.That is why they proudly proclaim to “fortify” their drinks.Fresh juices do not need fortifying because they have the full spectrum of nutrients already!

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Natural Progesterone for PMS, Menopause & Uterine Fibroids

by Olivia Chang
on August 18, 2008

Progesterone is responsible for balancing estrogen and the female reproductive cycle. Deficiency results in symptoms of PMS, water retention, bloating, tender breasts, headaches, cramping, irritability and mood swings.

Research shows natural progesterone:

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