Your INTENTIONAL Success From the moment you enter our office to enlist our help for your health challenge - if we agree we can help you - we've become YOUR team for success. We take this recruitment seriously. We seek to know your health goal, medical history, current life stressors and work demands, and ability to accomplish that goal given your current life status. We then develop a specific Game Plan that is unique to you to help accomplish it. We show up for you at each treatment, clear and purposeful-minded. YOUR success requires that you likewise present at each session with mindfulness and expectation of change. Only a mind deliberately ready to set up new neural pathways can break the pattern that led to that 'random' pain that brought you in. In our experience, we find that those patients who show up with minds checked out or distrustful have slow and limited recovery. We have the professional and ethical responsibility to inform them this bad news. On the other hand, those who follow our Game Plan passionately and deliberately accomplish success beyond their expectations. YOUR successful Game Plan includes following these:
- Treatment Schedule - strategically & purposefully set to maximize YOUR body's healing potential and mind's motivation which are highest at the onset
- Home Exercise Training - Our part takes place at the office. YOURS takes place at home. Your prescription is custom-designed for your unique body.
- Lifestyle & Work Modification - These crucial changes are needed to break the pattern that got you into pain
- Nutritional Support - Your prescription is aimed at boosting your healing, taking into account your past deficiencies, your present lifestyle and your future health destination.
Unsure of your unique Game Plan? Ask us!
Upgrades are being done to the Shores' water main, sewer & storm drain system outside our building until Thanksgiving. Great parking spots are easily found around our office as there's less beach traffic. While morning appointments are available, we recommend scheduling after 3pm as construction stops then. It'll be quieter and parking will be more available.
Dr Chang Health exists for the purpose of helping you with your health goals. We honor your time in coming to our office by reserving you a time slot in which we are committed to providing our fullest, mindful attention. Absentism is a disservice to your goals and dishonors our time & commitment to you. This Policy is clearly stated in your signed patient intake form, monthly emails and our in-office sign. New Patients/Clients will require credit card information to reserve an appointment time.
Grace - we may extend a one-time courtesy gracce waiver for extenuating circumstances.
Our mission is to help restore your brain and nervous system to optimal function so you can be healthy, pain-free and energized!